Health Professionals

National Stroke Network

The National Stroke Network was formed in April 2011 (originally the Stroke Clinical Network Leadership Group) as an initiative between the Stroke Foundation of NZ and the Ministry of Health. The aim was to facilitate implementation of the 2010 New Zealand Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management by harnessing the skills and expertise of stroke professionals and coordinating their efforts to drive improvements in stroke service delivery.

Members of the National Stroke Network and its working groups are comprised of multi-disciplinary health professionals, health service managers and consumers with expertise in stroke who are representative of large, medium and small District Health Boards and health organisations across New Zealand.

Central Stroke Steering Group

For more information on the Central, Stroke Steering Group click here.

New Zealand Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010

The report Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010, released 20 December 2010, was developed by the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand in collaboration with the New Zealand Guidelines Group and the Australian National Stroke Foundation – with input from Māori and Pacific advisory groups. It recommends that all people admitted to hospital with stroke should expect to be managed in a stroke unit by a team of health practitioners with expertise in stroke and rehabilitation.
Note: The pdf document has been updated to include bookmarks and active hyperlinks from the contents pages to the relevant sections, making it much easier to navigate the electronic version. The Guidelines are not available in hard copy, but you are free to arrange printing at your own expense – NB the document is 347pages A4.

National Acute Stroke Services Audit 2009

In 2009, funded by the Ministry of Health, the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand conducted an audit looking at the provision of stroke services in New Zealand hospitals in the first seven days after stroke. The National Acute Stroke Services Audit comprises two parts: an Organisational Survey of structural and process elements of stroke service provision; and a Clinical Audit involving retrospective review via patient record of up to 40 consecutive stroke patients admitted, treated and discharged from acute care in individual DHBs between 1 June 2008 and 31 December 2008. The presentation of findings from both parts in this integrated report means that organisational intentions related to the provision of service to people with acute stroke can be compared with the care documented in patient records as actually delivered. All 21 DHBs provide acute stroke care, and all participated in the Organisational Survey.

New Zealand TIA Guidelines

The Stroke Foundation has released the NZ Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). These unique guidelines were compiled by three Stroke Foundation medical advisors to help GPs and DHBs deal more effectively with TIAs. If implemented correctly, they may save hundreds of lives and millions of dollars in direct health costs.

Australian Stroke Management Guidelines

These clinical guidelines were developed to provide a series of evidence-based recommendations related to stroke and are based on the most comprehensive review in Australia.

US Stroke Management Guidelines

The Internet Stroke center in Washington is a comprehensive site with loads of information for patients, families and health care professionals. It has links to many other sites, reference material, drug information and trials.

United Kingdom

  • Action on stroke services: an evaluation toolkit (‘ASSET’) was created by the UK Department of Health to help health care organisations improve and transform stroke services for patients.
  • Case Study Pack: a series of ten case studies covering Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs), Multidisciplinary Stroke Services, and the Workforce.
  • Good Practice Examples in the NSF Standards for Older People: Key publications about older people’s services, including downloads on stroke.
  • New ways of working in stroke care: Examples of new or extended roles for those involved with the care of stroke victims and their carers.
  • Management of Patients with Stroke: Rehabilitation, prevention and management of complications, and discharge planning.

Royal College of Physicians (UK)

The RCP’s concise guidelines provide clear recommendations for best practice, and practical tools with which to implement them

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network

Stroke: Core Competencies for Healthcare Staff This document is divided into two sections. Part A states the core competencies which should be familiar to all healthcare staff working with individuals with stroke. Part B sets out a knowledge and skills framework which staff can use to enhance and develop their fundamental knowledge.