Our Board


Stroke Central New Zealand has a written constitution and an elected Board to oversee consistent management, cohesive policies, processes and decision-rights.

Robin Boldarin

Robin Boldarin


David Halford

David Halford

Vice President

John Howard

John Howard


Dr. Sarah Joice

Dr. Sarah Joice

Board Member

Grace Moulton

Grace Moulton

Board Member

Margaret Morris

Margaret Morris

Board Member

Prof. Valerie Feigin

Prof. Valerie Feigin

Honorary Medical Director

Pam Panchaud

Pam Panchaud

Board Member

Stroke Central New Zealand Incorporated


  • Stroke Central Governance is the responsibility of the Regional Board who focuses on creating organizational transparency by defining the mechanisms we use to ensure we follow established processes and policies.
  • In the fulfillment of these responsibilities Stroke Central has a written constitution and an elected Board to oversee consistent management, cohesive policies, processes and decision-rights for the Region.
  • The Board is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting and all financial members are eligible to seek nomination and vote for candidates.
  • Basic activities are undertaken with membership subscriptions and it is important that all stroke survivors become members and continue to be financial each year for your work to proceed.

The Magna Charta

The purpose of the Magna Charta is to provide communication between the Board and members of Stroke Clubs; to keep members informed as to matters of interest taking place; and to encourage reciprocal communication in asking for opinions on matters which concern all of our members. It is envisaged that Stroke Clubs receiving the communication will ensure all members have access to the information either by copy or reading at the meetings. Either way Stroke Clubs are requested to make the information available to all members.

Become a member today

Stroke Central Region invites the Stroke Community to become members.

Support our services to stroke survivors in your local area.

Become a member today

Stroke Central New Zealand invites the Stroke Community to become members.

Support our services to stroke survivors in your local area.