Partners & Supporters
The Stroke Central New Zealand Inc. is a regional not-for-profit organisation. To be able to do our work, we largely rely on fundraising and the help of caring individuals, businesses and organisations. We are always looking for businesses to help us by offering their time, products, services or a donation.
For larger corporate sponsorships and ongoing initiatives, we will be happy to get together and design a package. We always appreciate supportive ideas and creative concepts to help us with our work, so if your company can help, please do get in touch!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful sponsors and supporters. Without this ongoing support, it would not be possible for us to do our work in the community!
Many thanks to:
- Lotteries Grants Board
- Ministry of Health
- Public Trust
- The Lion Foundation
- The Southern Trust
- Pub Charity
- Eastern & Central Communities Trust
- Four Winds Foundation
- Horowhenua District Council
- Thomas George Macarthy Trust
- Trust House
- Oceania Healthcare
- Perpetual Guardian
- Hingston Trust
- Community Organisation Grants Scheme
- Mr P Arthur (Hastings)
- Capital & Coast DHB